Tart bear claw cake tiramisu chocolate bar gummies dragée lemon drops brownie. Jujubes chocolate cake sesame snaps
Tart bear claw cake tiramisu chocolate bar gummies dragée lemon drops brownie. Jujubes chocolate cake sesame snaps
Tart bear claw cake tiramisu chocolate bar gummies dragée lemon drops brownie. Jujubes chocolate cake sesame snaps
“It seems that every country that can get its hands on butter has its opinion of what butter cream frosting should be. Some are made with eggs and butter.”
“Now, if you are interested in being the best player, getting really good money and knowing some tricks and …”
“Now, if you are interested in being the best player, getting really good money and knowing some tricks and …”
“Now, if you are interested in being the best player, getting really good money and knowing some tricks and …”
“Now, if you are interested in being the best player, getting really good money and knowing some tricks and …”
E' stato aggiunto al tuo carrello
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Tipico dolce pasquale, prodotto con la massima cura nella scelta degli ingredienti e della lavorazione, seguito attentamente in ogni fase della lievitazione, rigorosamente naturale.
Seguito e curato negli ingredienti e nel processo di cottura, è farcito con uvetta e canditi.
Ingredienti : farina 00, uva sultanina, burro, acqua, zucchero, tuorlo d’uovo, lievito naturale, frutta candita, latte in polvere, sale, malto, aromi naturali
Conservazione : 4 mesi
Confezionamento : sacchetto alimentare trasparente